
频道:外语学习 来源:烟台家教网 点击:495 日期:2012-2-28

 26. Your silence implies countenancing his abject behavior; therefore please clarify your stand to him.

  A.supporting B.Obscuring C.concealing D.assisting

  27. The graduate committee must be in full accord in their approval of a dissertation.

  A. indecisive B. Sullen C. vocal D. unanimous

  28. We regret being unable to entertain your request for providing free boarding to 15 sportsmen for two weeks.

  A. receive B. Comply C. coincide D. consider

  29. Justices of the peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.

  A. superiority B. Authority C. guidance D. consider

  30. One of the things we have to do to prevent a pandemic is to make sure people understand and know what they can do to minimize the commotion.

  A. command B. Collusion C. turmoil D. tutelage



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