
频道:最新公告 来源:烟台家教网 点击:400 日期:2012-3-8




  Try it with your teenaged kids. Set the alarm clock for 3:00 a.m. and hide it under their beds. See them tearing down their room in a sleepy fit to shut it up.


  Take a little walky-talky on your pet or hide it somewhere near where it is laying. Walk off to a safe distance where you can keep yourself hidden from others with the other piece. As soon as another family member tries to pick up or pat on the back of your pet, say in a gruff voice, "I hate you doing this to me." See them jump with fright and shock.



  Late at night, fill the hair-dryer with baby powder. Catch the expression of someone who has just washed his or her hair and turned it white by using the hair dryer.



  Place a number of pranks at a number of places for the victim, so that once targeted by you, they cannot escape. Placing the tube of shaving cream with the toothbrush of the sleepy friend can be put in combo with a face soap that makes you dirty in the soap box the towel that is clean outside but has powdered color inside.



  Put an elastic band around the push button of the sprayer in the sink and make it face towards where the person stands. Similarly, you can turn the showerhead (喷头)towards the spot where a person stands and. As soon as the next person turns them on, they will get all soaked. Be sure not to forget that you don't get soaked yourself.



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