
频道:外语学习 来源:烟台家教网 点击:567 日期:2012-3-21

  Secret: The book has revealed a whole new world to men which they can use to know if a date is going well or not  The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men and their enigmatic thoughts and actions almost impossible to decode - until now。

  Finally the closely-held secret of whether a woman fancies someone has been exposed and experts have found it is all in the eyes。

  A new study looked at how and where women glance after a man makes initial eye contact and found this shows him all he needs to know about his chances of romance。

  What happens in the 45 seconds after meeting makes it crystal clear if love is in the air or whether the hapless male suitor will get the cold shoulder, experts have said。

  Life coach Ali Campbell says in his book 'More than Just Sex' that the look men want to see is her looking down and then moving her eyes in a sweeping motion across the floor because it almost certainly means that she is attracted to you。

  This glance means that she is checking her internal emotions, in short, she likes you but is working out how much。

  And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was。

  It is in fact the opposite。

  If a woman looks away for up to 45 seconds and then stares you straight in the eye it is another sure sign that she is interested because she is thinking hard about whether you are a suitable partner。

  If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares straight back at him it is almost certainly curtains。

  Also if she touches her hair she is attracted to you and if she twirls the ends then she really likes you。













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