奥巴马爆出新好妇男一面 网上晒私房菜谱

频道:最新公告 来源:烟台家教网 点击:547 日期:2012-3-30

 Barack Obama may be wrangling with health reform, job creation and an up-coming election but the most pivotal political issue of the day is the ingredients in his favourite chili recipe。


  The dish appears on his latest social networking sign-up, Pinterest - an online scrapbook and image-sharing site that is fast becoming the hottest place to be 'seen' for the online community.On the page, which already has nearly 9,000 followers, pictures of Obama-themed cupcakes, Bo the Obamas' dog and voter-friendly infographic fact sheets have been posted by the President's campaign team。


  However it's the Obamas' cooking habits that are proving most controversial。


  The chili recipe contains all the usual ingredients: onions, garlic, ground beef, tomatoes and red kidney beans, but it's the addition of red wine vinegar that is creating a stir。


  One commentator, Dina Fraioli, writes: 'this is SO NOT how you make chili.'It's not even chili! There's hardly any chili spice in it! I want a super hot, hot, hot chili. I expect more President Obama!'

  有网友(Dina Fraioli)这样写到:“这根本不是做辣椒酱的方法。这里面一点辣椒的辣味都没有,我认为辣椒酱应该非常非常辣!我对奥巴马总统有更大的期待。”

  However, Mary Johanna defends the President with: 'There are probably a thousand different ways to make a chilli, so why don't you whiners all chill out。

  而支持者(Mary Johanna)表示:“有上千种做辣椒酱的方法,抱怨的人们应该冷静下来。”

  While PorterfieldsFineArt says: 'I like Obama's whole page. But I'm more interested in what Michelle might pin.'


  As well as cooking, the page taps into the nation's love of animals. On the pet lovers' page, supporters browse photos of the President enjoying some downtime with the family's Portuguese water dog Bo。


  Barack Obama already has a powerful presence on social networking sites, such as Tumblr, Facebook and Foursquare, and Pinterest is the latest in his campaign arsenal。



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