
频道:外语学习 来源:烟台家教网 点击:772 日期:2012/3/31

 Taco Liberty Bell—On April 1, 1996, Taco Bell Corporation took out an ad in six major newspapers to say that it was buying the Liberty Bell and renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of protesters called in to the National Historic Park in Philadelphia, and were only calmed when it was admitted to be a joke。

  收购独立大钟:1996年愚人节,Taco Bell公司在6家主流报纸上刊登广告,声称要购买美国著名的“独立大钟”并将其改名为“Taco独立大钟”。大量抗议者给费城国家历史公园打电话投诉,直到“肇事者”承认是恶作剧方才罢休。

  Nixon for President—On April 1, 1992, broadcast of NPR's "Talk of the Nation" revealed that Richard Nixon was running for president again under a slogan that said, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." Listeners to the show were shocked and outraged, but the host later revealed it was just a joke。


  Metric Time—On April 1, 1975, Australia's "This Day Tonight" news program said that the world would be converting to metric time, with 100 seconds to the minute, 100 minutes to the hour and 20-hour days。


  Wisconsin State Capital Collapses—On April 1, 1933, the "Madison-Capital Times" announced that the Wisconsin state capital building had been ruined by mysterious explosions that were attributed to build-ups of gas generated through verbose debate in the Senate and Assembly chambers. Many were fooled and angered by the trick。


  The Comic Strip Switcheroo—On April 1, 1997, comic strip fans opened their newspapers to find that all the characters had been shuffled around and were popping up in alternate comics. A total of 46 comic strip writers banded together for the switch, which had Scott Adams of "Dilbert" taking over the "Family Circus," and Jim Davis of "Garfield" taking over "Blondie" and making Garfield eat one of Dagwood's sandwiches。



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